After the president has responded to his requests, who is “Aziza” who has elephantiasis?


In a quick humanitarian response from President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to the call of the citizen “Aziza” who suffers from “elephantiasis”, the citizen was relocated to receive adequate care for her. It weighs more than 300 kg at the expense of the state and President El-Sisi ordered that all aspects of health and social care be provided to Aziza and her family.

In this context, Al-Dustour monitors the most important information on Ms. Aziza’s case.

– He is 38 years old and weighs 300 kg.

– Dependent on 3 children and cannot afford the medical bills and education of her children.

– He removed his children from education because he didn’t have the money to spend on them.

You will receive a Takaful and Dignity pension.

She is always bedridden and cannot move.

It always has a high temperature and it is difficult to move around.

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