After the death of Fayeq Azab in “Marsa” … Beware of methods and symptoms of infection with the Cursed Curse


The “Marsa” disease has been at the top of the search engines, especially after the death of the artist Fayek Azab from his infection this morning, Thursday, in one of the Corona isolation hospitals.

The announcement of new SARS infections has raised many questions about the nature of it and the ways of its transmission. The “National News” reviews the most important information about the rare “Marsa” disease, its nature, types, methods of infection and symptoms.

The nature of Marsa disease is that it affects humans due to a type of bacterium called “staph”. Staphylococcus“That affects the skin in most cases, and is strange in the nature of the Marsa disease infection, which may not need treatment and go away on its own, or in some cases needs treatment with certain types of antibiotics .

The types of bacteria that cause Marsa disease

Staph bacteria are varied. Staphylococcus aureus“The cause of Marsa infection is about 25 percent of people worldwide usually carry staph in their nose, mouth or genitals and show no symptoms of infection, according to (NHSThe UK’s largest health website.

Perhaps the most dangerous infection in Marsa disease is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection, mainly because it is unaffected by most types of antibiotics used to treat this disease.

And according to studies, the feet are more likely to pick up bacteria from the ground. Especially since the infection often begins with a small wound that becomes infected with bacteria, which appears in the form of a honey yellow peel on the skin.

Marsa infection ranges from a simple boil to an antibiotic resistant infection, and the difference between the types is the strength of the infection, the extent of its depth and the rate of its spread, and thus the extent to which it can be treated with antibiotics.

Studies have shown that antibiotic-resistant infections are more common in North America, due to the overuse of antibiotics.

Methods of infection of “Marsa” disease

Direct contact is the key word for getting a “Marsa” infection. Although it is natural for the bacteria that cause staph infection to live on many people’s skin and there is no damage from them, the infection occurs if it gets into the skin, such as through a bite or wound.

Before the development of medical systems around the world, infection was transmitted when visiting hospitals or other health care locations, such as nursing homes and dialysis centers, due to its association with medical procedures and devices such as clinics, intravenous tubes, artificial joints and others.

According to specialists, the cases currently reported were not just hospitals causing the transmission of the infection – as it prevailed in the past – but are now occurring in the community at large, which has increased the risk.

We can summarize the ways of transmitting the infection to others as follows:

Close contact with the skin.

Sharing things like towels or toothbrushes.

Droplets in cough and sneezing (less common).

Symptoms of the disease Marsa

If any of the following symptoms appear on you, you need to take care of the matter before it’s too late and the infection gets worse:

A red, painful bump or scar.

Hot, red and swollen skin

Blisters, blisters or sores.

Sore or red eyelids or eyes.

Fever sometimes.

Deep, painful abscesses that require surgery.

– Blood poisoning.

Problems with bones and joints.

It can damage the valves of the heart and lungs.

Toxic shock syndrome is less common than skin infections.

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