Actress Brie Larson stars in the new Nintendo Switch commercial


Actress Brie Larson, known for her role in Captain Marvel, he never hid his great fanaticism for Nintendo, that’s why the “big N” decided to be the star of his most recent Switch commercial.

In this video we can see how the Oscar-winning interpreter lives her day with her Nintendo Switch, both to practice with. Ring Fit Adventure like to socialize and have fun with your friends when you play Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

We leave you with the video for your enjoyment.

Brie and her love for Nintendo

In an interview for the Elle portal, the 30-year-old American actress talked about the relationship that the world of video games has with her life and stressed that the great “N” was a great protagonist in all of this.

“I love video games … I’ve never lived without a Nintendo console. Even in my first children’s videos, there was a Nintendo there. My love for her runs very deep.

In Animal Talking with Gary Whitta, talk show virtual based Animal crossing, Larson was questioned about his love for Samus and said who would be fascinated to play this role in a feature film.

“I’d love to (play Samus). I dressed up as Samus for Halloween two years ago … It was literally a $ 20 costume that I bought on Amazon. I was really excited so I posted a photo on Instagram with the costume and many people said “wow!” She is still my character in Super Smash Bros. and I love her. That’s how it all started and I absolutely want to make that film, I absolutely want to participate. So Nintendo, once again, I’d love to do that! “

A few months ago, Larson opened his official YouTube channel and in his first video revealed that he kicked out a boy from the house because he told him he took “very seriously” completing the last level of Super Mario Galaxy. We can see this moment from the 10:54 minute of the video that we leave you below:

What do you think of Brie Larson’s love for Nintendo and her participation in this new commercial?


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