Actor Bert Belasco was found dead in a hotel


Her father, who shares her name, believes it was due to an aneurysm in the brain that caused her death.

Actor Bert Belasco recognized for appearing in series as Dr House Y Let’s I’m Together, he was found dead in a hotel room.

So far, no further details have been shared about the unfortunate news; Although it was leaked that the authorities found him lifeless in bed with traces of blood.

The American was quarantined at a hotel in the city of Richmond as he prepared to play a new role in a new project.

Part of the information leaked according to the RT portal is that his father, who shares his same name, believes it was due to an aneurysm in the brain that caused his death.

The 38-year-old young actor began his career by participating in several comedies, but it is since 2007 that he began to participate in some television programs, which gradually helped him become famous.

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