Accusations of “regime of terror” – Messi complains: “Tired of always being the problem” – Sport


Accusations of “regime of terror” – Messi complains: “Tired of always being the problem” – Sport – SRF

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Crisis Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi has expressed his anger in unusually clear words.

Lionel Messi.


Fed up

Lionel Messi.


“I’m getting tired of always being the club’s problem,” said the 33-year-old forward on arrival in Barcelona after two World Cup qualifiers with Argentina in South America. “Messi explodes,” headlined the Thursday newspaper Sports world.

The player’s agent fights against Messi

At the airport of the Catalan capital, the professional, visibly exhausted after the intercontinental flight, was besieged on Wednesday by a small group of journalists and fans heading to his car. A media representative asked him what he had to say about the statements made by player agent Eric Olhats. He had violently criticized the six-time world footballer and had spoken of an Argentine “regime of terror”. “Either you are for or against him.”

After losing 8-2 to Bayern in the Champions League quarter-finals in the summer, Messi sought to leave Barcelona a year before his contract expired. This resulted in violent unrest and the resignation of President Josep Bartomeu in late October.

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