“Absolutely all of the consoles have been sold,” said Sony’s Jim Ryan


In a recent interview, PlayStation boss Jim Ryan spoke again about the launch of the PS5. Sony Interactive Entertainment is said to have managed to sell all available consoles. New quotas should be delivered as soon as possible.

PS5 Launch:

After Asian and North American gamers received the PlayStation 5 last week, Thursday was Europe’s turn.

Even before the official launch of the PS5, it became apparent that there were not enough consoles available to meet the demand. The whole thing was supported by Jim Ryan, the head of the PlayStation division. As he noted in an interview, every available PS5 console has been sold as part of the market launch.

The new consoles should be delivered as soon as possible

“Everything has been sold. Absolutely everything has been sold, “Ryan said.” I’ve spent much of the past year making sure I can generate enough demand for the product. And now, in terms of executive bandwidth, I spend a lot more time increasing supply to meet that demand. ”

About this: Buy PS5: “Considerable quantities” promised before and after Christmas

A few days ago, Sony Interactive Entertainment executives assured that “substantial quantities” of new PlayStation 5 consoles would be delivered to retailers both before and after Christmas. This is to ensure that all customers interested in the PS5 can enjoy their copy as quickly as possible.

How many times the PlayStation 5 has sold so far has not been revealed. Due to the success of the market launch, a corresponding press release should not be long in coming.

Those: PushSquare

More news on PS5.

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