About TV series with psychologists and Someone Else


Isn’t it really extraordinary why we talk about something rather than what we talk about, and why those who don’t speak ruthlessly criticize the speaker? Social media, the Kıraathanesi of our times, are overflowing these days with the commentary of the series by Berkun Oya Bir Başkadır. Rather than whether or not the series deserves to be talked about, this series has coincided with us, but everyone has quit their jobs and locked themselves into the series, and I can’t help but think there is a lot of discussion going on. If you are not tired of reading TV series, I will not lose, let me say a few words. Without mentioning the content of the series, I will express a few points that caught my attention and escaped.

The sequence tells the stories of the people of today that blend with the political history of Turkey. Draw attention to the powers both inside and outside of us. It tells how the polarization we suffer so much permeates all of our cells and how what we cannot accept on other journeys within us, albeit in other ways. The spatial and therefore classy landscape of the series is quite varied, from a village house in the countryside of Istanbul to a psychotherapy center in Nişantaşı, from a residence to an apartment, from a psychiatric office in a state hospital to an apartment in a bourgeois neighborhood. We are witnessing the clashes resulting from the clash of different lives and the consumer-oriented man-woman relationships of our time.

Jung’s ears ring a lot in the play; We meet the collective unconscious and the dark sides of man, the archetype of the shadow. We find traces of prejudice, labels and the ideal in our cells in intergenerational and social broadcasts … I think the director’s deepening of the characters with their shadows is one of the strengths of the series.

Although the TV series / movies that have recently brought the issue of psychotherapy to their center or their surroundings have shown some bad practices and forced the patience of psychologists (I talked about this in this article), they still invite the audience to an important point ; trace, listen and express the past; To the liberation of expressing pain, trauma, anger in the family, in society, in the therapy room… When the language dissolves, the emotions also dissolve and when we touch our emotions, we can touch the emotion of the other.

In all kinds of relationships, we are connected to each other with invisible bonds in the family, in society, there is always someone else in the system who has someone’s symptoms. I’m not just talking about an individual carrier, there are people and beliefs that are symptomatic of someone on a social level. An example of this is when Ruhiye, who plays Meryem’s aunt in the series, faces a trauma she experienced when she was young, and her son, who couldn’t speak (a), started talking. What cannot be expressed is always forced by someone else. We often see those symptom carriers in psychotherapy sessions. Those who endure the trauma of mother, father and a higher generation … Remember the character of Alya in the Red Room series. We can see how her mother brought her symptom or Safiye’s character to the Innocent Apartment… How unspoken secrets, unmissable traumas, unmissable disappearances make a person sick both physically and mentally. When the unspoken things began to be said, that is, when they were named, symbolized, how the effect of that thing diminished and turned into something else …

I think it disturbs many of us to see that psychologists are also human in the series that deal with psychotherapy. Because we are very interested in raising them to the level of the gods. When we don’t see psychologists as creatures who have shed their human weaknesses, have solved the secret of life, and have magic wands, our anger jumps. We approach Peri, who is a psychologist on the TV series “ Something Else ”, as if she is not part of this society, and she has her share of this geography, whether she reads in America or where, of course, psychologists they do not grow in a separate bowl from other people. I guess she won’t play Mevlana as a psychologist, but as much as Mevlana is a psychologist, as much as Mevlana. But of course, taking into account the limitations of your profession, the psychotherapy room… Supervision support from a psychologist is included, which I like in Somewhere and I think for the first time on TV with a local psychologist. In other words, the psychologist of the series is very aware of his prejudices and the difficulties he has with his client, and receives supervision to understand them, not to harm his client and to watch him in the company of an outside person. And as we work on the countertransference he develops to his client, we begin to grasp the tongue slip (see Hazal), what is caused by what, and we observe that he establishes another relationship with his client.

In the series, we see another human weakness in the teacher. After losing his wife, Hodja suffers, cries and cries. We even understand that he did not tell the truth to his adopted daughter. Don’t you fear God, teacher? Let’s say God is not your help and you are crying? Of course there are those who say it from within… In short, the TV show beautifully shows the fact that those attributed to the gods are human beings. Turn on all the lights in the scene. It allows us to see our shadow sides.

I think the thing that gets someone else talking so much is the question of establishing an authentic connection. The fact that not only human beings but also human beings allow us to establish a real connection with ourselves and with our feelings… We need to understand ourselves and then understand each other. We forgot to step out of our showcase lives a bit and really touch our lives and each other’s. We create a perplexed society in a squat individuality. Psychotherapy gains importance and plays a role in the TV series. The ability to connect with the psychotherapist and with the person himself, his past and the other in his company.

My association is not right or wrong, but I don’t know why as I looked at Something Else and thought about this authenticity issue, my mind often went to Oğuz Atay’s “Letter to my father”. If I briefly summarize who has not read the letter; In the letter we hear the voice of an educated man who confronts his father, his personal and social past, escapes from that showcase life and seeks sincerity, turns his face to the West, criticizes the peasant nature of his father, but also emulates him . I’m transferring a paragraph that came to mind from there;

I want to go back to the village you came from; I mean, I don’t want to have a chat with the fishermen on the shore, like the sailors they see next. Fishing is not for us, dad. I want to live in a brick house with wooden beams near your small village (maybe a couple of trees around) among the endless fields. I asked an old family architect to draw the picture of the house. (I don’t trust young people anymore, Dad.) It’s a little hard to tell you, but I can say that if I go there it will be a rebellion against the world which is unfair to me; In other words, being there, I will tell them: “Here I have seen all your” progress “and” I am going back to my original “(ie return to Cemil Bey”), and even they will not understand.

Some I like it, some applause, some intentions can be an act of rebellion against the world. It can also be a means of remembering and pursuing a truth. Let this series talk, people tweet, analyze. In this way, something else is done, perhaps part of something he has wanted for years. It is part of the ability to connect with each other, our past, our pain, our loneliness. “Are they doing it in an eight-episode series?” Yes dear, where are they supposed to do it, the revelation will come to the people! You never know what will start to be fixed, what will soften where. What are literature, cinema, TV series, songs for! You should also enjoy watching TV series together. Many people experience intense catharsis during the series. Obviously, we need these things … Berkun Oya and his team have done a very valuable job just to provide this. I hope that those who do not need this catharsis can learn to look in silence and be able to stop.

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