A volunteer who received a 95% effective vaccine says the side effects are “like a flu shot”


There is a new coronavirus vaccine developed by the American company Moderna, and early data shows that it is 95% effective in protecting people from the virus. It is also believed to work in all age groups, including the elderly.

One vaccine trial participant said the only side effect he felt was a “slightly sore arm” and it looked like a “flu shot”.

Neal Browning of Bothell, Washington, USA, was the second person to receive the vaccine. Browning said he believed the risks were “minimal” compared to the positive impact it could have had globally.

“I took part in the preliminary test,” Browning told Good Morning Britain, according to Metro. “They gave us the dose and we stayed in the clinic for an hour so the medical staff could make sure there were no side effects, as the vaccine had never been tested on animals.”

“The second injection took place four weeks later. Both times, I had no problem waking up the next morning with a slightly sore arm, just like a flu shot. “

When asked if Browning was nervous about volunteering, he said: “There will always be people opposed to vaccination. My mom is a registered nurse, my wife is a registered nurse, so I’ve been exposed to medicine all my life. “

“I did some research. They have produced a multitude of documents explaining how it works, what it does. The risks seem minimal compared to the benefits the world could reap. There is no possibility of contracting Covid-19 in this way because there is no part of the virus in this vaccine. “

The Moderna company said it plans to seek permission to use the vaccine in the coming weeks after the trial is successful. However, the vaccine will not be available until spring.

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