a vaccine could immunize us for several years, estimates an American study


We know that in the management of the covid-19 pandemic, the question of the vaccine is essential. As with any disease for which we have a vaccine, we know that this helps strengthen the immune system of society in order to limit cases. In the context of covid-19, some feared that a vaccine would only guarantee short-lived immunity, as some patients did not develop antibodies or that their lifespans would not be sufficient to ensure good immunity.

However, a recent (but not yet re-read) study published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (New York) on the bioRxiv platform suggests that a vaccine would provide a very long immunity of several years. For this it is based not only on antibodies, but on all the elements that make up the immune system, including B lymphocytes and some T lymphocytes (cells contained in the lymph nodes and spleen).

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After taking samples from American patients between the ages of 19 and 81, the scientists found that if the antibodies decreased slightly between 6 and 8 months after infection, the B lymphocytes increased. T cells are going down but very lightly and slowly. Eight months after infection, the cells are therefore still sufficiently present for the body to defend itself against the virus.

Scientists hope to see a persistence of these immune cells, produced in large quantities by the body and above all that do not really decrease after several years. “A lot of immune memory should probably prevent the vast majority of people from developing severe syndrome and being hospitalized for many years.“Shane Crotty, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology, who co-directed the study, even allows himself to tell the New York Times.

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However, the scientists in the study remember, “it is known that the magnitude of the antibody response against Sars-CoV2 is very heterogeneous among individuals.In other words, the results will be very different depending on the person, their immune system, and their level of exposure to the virus. However, some scientists believe that these criteria are not relevant to consider in the study of the disease, because they are genetic traits.

Unlike antibodies, B and T lymphocytes do not provide sterilizing immunity – this does not mean that no reinfection will be possible. However, these cells are supposed to prevent severe forms of the disease. Covid-19 is known to be slow in its development in the body. “It may end so quickly that you won’t have time to have symptoms or be contagious.“He says to the New York Times Alessandro Sette, immunologist from La Jolla.

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