A new research study has revealed that once-weekly insulin therapy may have similar efficacy to once-daily insulin in patients with type 2 diabetes. The study, published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine Treatment is once a week with insulin icodec It had a hypoglycemic efficacy and a safety profile similar to that of insulin glargine U100 Once a day.
According to a newspaper article time now news Insulin icodec It is the primary insulin analogue designed for once weekly administration and is being developed for the treatment of diabetes.
For the study, the authors conducted trials lasting 26 weeks and the researchers wanted to verify the change in glycated hemoglobin level from baseline to week 26. They also wanted to explain the safety endpoints, including hypoglycemic episodes and related adverse events insulin..

The researchers found that the treatment was once a week with insulin icodec It has a hypoglycemic efficacy and a safety profile similar to that of insulin glargine U100 Once daily in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions around the world, and type 2 diabetes begins when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin for some reason or when the rest of the body is unable to use the insulin it produces to breaking down blood sugar in both cases. .
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