29.11.2020. 20:28 – 29.11.2020. 20:50
He explained that the virus, as the disease progresses, descends more and more into the respiratory systems.

Tatjana Radosavljević, Photo: press screen
At the height of the epidemic, each of us at least once, after coughing, thought “isn’t that a crown?” and hurried to check the temperature. Fever, sudden cough, chest pain, cough, and difficulty breathing are typical signs of coronavirus infection, but also pneumonia. However, in a number of patients, these symptoms may be absent, even if the lungs are affected by the infection, experts warn.
Kovid-19 is a respiratory disease that attacks the respiratory organs and the elderly, people with weakened immunity, as well as patients suffering from chronic diseases, such as heart disease, asthma, cancer or diabetes, are more at risk of causing pneumonia. This virus can cause various respiratory problems. Symptoms range from mild to severe breathing problems, says pulmonologist Dr Tatjana Radosavljevic.
He explained that the virus, as the disease progresses, descends more and more into the respiratory systems.
Therefore, as he points out, you should pay attention to the following symptoms.
“The first and general symptoms of pneumonia are fever, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, chest or back pain, rapid breathing and heartbeat. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by dry cough and cough. When it comes to pneumonia caused from 19, the x-ray shows bilateral pneumonia, and the shadows or spots on the lungs are more often noticed, and the more difficult picture is the so-called white lungs, “he says.
However, Dr. Radosavljević states that the symptoms mentioned may be absent in some cases. So, as he points out, it is asymptomatic pneumonia.
“Some symptoms may sometimes be absent, so patients don’t even know they have pneumonia and should see a doctor right away. Therefore, I recommend that you check your lung function to test for the first symptoms of the coronavirus. One of the symptoms that is rarely absent is palpitations, which is certainly a sign that a lung scan should be done. If it is unchanged and the oxygen is less than 95 percent, it is an indication for inpatient treatment, then a lung scanner is performed in this case.“, he says and adds that in severe cases oxygen therapy is required and, in severe cases, connection to a respirator.
“Patients with a milder clinical picture do not need mechanical ventilation, while those with a more severe clinical picture are given oxygen through normal oxygen masks. If that oxygen is not sufficient for gas exchange in the blood, it is used a form of mechanical ventilation. take a respirator, “he explains.
“The corona is a virus that ‘loves’ the lungs, that is, it has a tendency to infect these organs and most of the time it passes through them,” said Radosavljević.
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