A side effect of the block can be seen on HAIR: the cruel impact of today!



If you feel you have more hair left on your comb recently after combing, that’s not unusual. However, it must be taken into account that there is still something that contributes to hair loss. Something many don’t even know about!

The season has an impact on this

In autumn they are like leaves. We lose more hair during this time of year, according to a study published by Dermatology in the British Journal, which contains data from eight countries.

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There is a link between the season and hair loss. Summer and autumn are the times when hair loss is most common, regardless of geographic differences. Some studies suggest that August and September are the months when the problem is most pronounced, “says study author Shawn Kwatr.

In the telogen phase, the hair is at the root of the hair, but it is practically expired, it is no longer growing and will soon fall out, according to newsbeezer.com. In summer it is the percentage of hair that falls to the maximum, while in winter the opposite is true. Hair growth therefore remains unchanged and does not seem as much as in summer. The anagen phase of the hair, in turn, means that the hair grows about one millimeter in three days. The maximum number of hairs at this stage is in spring, when the mane becomes thicker.

Norma Cameli of the San Gallicano Institute of Dermatology in Rome adds:We are losing more hair in the fall, also because exposure to the sun causes inflammation of the scalp, which contributes to hair loss in the coming weeks “.

Stress weakens the scalp

This phenomenon could be even more pronounced this year because The stress of the Covid-19 pandemic weakens the scalp.

When we are under pressure, the hair follicle cycles synchronize and accelerate until they drop significantly.: When stuck, the hair will fall out due to permanent stress. Hair loss is homogeneous, but if dealt with in time it can be resolved “, says Pietro Tesauro, president of the Italian Trichological Society.

How to find out that we are losing a lot of hair?

“There is no point in counting the individual hairs that remain in the shower or combing them every day. It just makes you anxious, so it’s not the best method,” says Tesauro.

According to an expert, a trick can be tried. From the first day of each month, wash your hair for three consecutive days to remove naturally falling hair. On the fourth day, comb for a minute and then count the hair left on the comb.

What else can be behind it?

We usually lose 50 or 60 hairs a day without realizing it. This is normal hair restoration. However, the problem arises when more than a hundred hairs remain in the sink every few weeks. So it is advisable to find out the cause. If the scalp is visible, it means that we have already lost a third of your hair or that your mane is thinning.

It is important to visit a dermatologist or trichologist who will solve the problems with the hair and scalp. A correct diagnosis is absolutely essential, because only in this way can an effective therapy be chosen.

The causes of hair loss are many and it requires a different approach. Family assumptions, a wrong lifestyle, excessive stress, etc. They are crucial for the diagnosis. Sometimes blood tests are also needed in women. They will find out if they lack certain vitamins such as B12 or D. This, too, could be due to excessive androgen levels in the male sex hormones.

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11.11.2020 | Photo: HOWTO.com | Author: © List / Janka

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