A shocking statement for global health … what did he say about the treatment he received from Trump?


Today, Friday, a committee of the World Health Organization recommended that the drug remdesivir, manufactured by Gilead Sciences, should not be used in the treatment of patients with “Corona” in hospitals, regardless of the degree of their disease, as there there is evidence that “it improves the chances of survival or reduces the need”. To the fans. “

The committee said in its guidelines: “The committee did not find sufficient evidence that remdesivir improved patient outcomes such as reduced mortality, less need for ventilation and reduced clinical improvement times, among other things.”

These instructions represent another setback for the drug, which caught the world’s attention as a possible treatment for “Corona” disease in the summer after “early studies showed some promising results.”

At the end of October, Gilead lowered its revenue forecast for 2020, citing lower-than-expected demand and difficulty in forecasting remdesivir sales.

And that antiviral drug is currently one of only two drugs allowed to be used to treat Corona patients worldwide, but a large experiment conducted by the World Health Organization last month, known as the Solidarity experiment, showed that ” it has no effect or effect on mortality rates within 28 days. Positive tests or on the period of hospitalization “.

Remdesivir was one of the drugs doctors used to treat the President of the United States, Donald Trump, after he was infected with the Corona virus, and it has been shown in previous studies to shorten recovery times and more than 50 countries have approved it as treatment for Corona or authorized its use for this purpose.

Gilead Sciences questioned the results of the solidarity experiment.

“Phiclor has been recognized as the standard for inpatient care with Coronavirus in the guidelines of many leading national organizations,” he said in a statement, referring to the drug’s brand.

He added: “We are disappointed that WHO guidelines ignore this evidence at a time when cases are increasing dramatically around the world and doctors are relying on PhyClure as the first antiviral treatment approved only for Corona patients.”

The WHO Guidelines Development Committee said: “Its recommendation was based on a review of the evidence that included data from 4 international randomized studies that included more than 7,000 hospitalized coronavirus patients.”

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