A ship will come … / Game experience


Over the past few days and weeks, many gamers have been trying to get hold of one of the new consoles from Microsoft and / or Sony. But unfortunately it wasn’t that easy this year. On the one hand, the global Covid-19 pandemic has led not only to the closure of shops and sports facilities, but also to the closure of entire factories. The beginning was certainly given by China, where the “bad” virus started its course and thus influenced the production of Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 and still does today. On the other hand, the demand for next-gen consoles probably isn’t comparable to the 2013 figures, because demand here seems to have increased significantly by up to fivefold.

A lot of hardworking hands are needed this year, not only to put consoles together, but also for minds with a special understanding of logistics. All consoles are made in China, as are many other mass-market electronics, which must then be brought to buyers in Europe and America. This is only possible with overseas containers, and the number of consoles in them can be counted on a few pallets. Here in Europe, however, we can talk about a need that wants to satisfy millions of players. This is not possible with the courier or with a simple “truck”. A plane is too expensive and could only fly in a small number. Here the giants of the sea have to make a long journey. A trip from Hong Kong to Hamburg takes about 20 days without stopping – a good 3 weeks with a good sea.

As we have now heard, all of China seems to be busy producing the new consoles – China has yet to build the new iPhone – and a ship will arrive …

… filled to the brim with consoles for Europe and America to meet the needs of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X. But it will take some time before the market is satisfied with a wide range of products. Insiders believe this will likely take until next spring. For many, Christmas must have passed in front of the “old” console and while it hurts a lot, the hope of getting an Xbox Series X or PlayStation 5 this year is very low.

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