A recent study reveals the truth about the effect of smartphones on brain health: the Egyptian stars


It has spread in the last period, especially with the increasing spread of the use of mobile phones and their various applications, and their impact on the mental health of users, so a recent study comes after tens of years of warnings and directives on damage of these devices, and unveils the reality of the effect of smartphones on mental health, achieved by scientists at the universities of Lancaster British Bath and Lincoln, who conducted the study and published the results in the journal “Technology, Mind, Behavior”, indicated that poor mental health was unrelated to the amount of time users spend on their smartphones.

The effect of smartphones on mental health

The effect of smartphones on mental health

The effect of smartphones on mental health
The effect of smartphones on mental health

Smartphones are innocent of causing damage to mental health

The study relied on scientists measuring the time smartphone users spend on their phones and questioning their views on their mental and physical health, and they also underwent tests to measure their anxiety symptoms and depression and, consequently, the researchers concluded that the smartphone does not affect the health of the mind. The study, Heather Shaw, of Lancaster University’s Department of Psychology, said: “We have not found a link between telephone use and the emergence of psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression and tension, as those who have been subjected to clinical trials and have had these symptoms haven’t used their devices any more than those who have spent more time on it. “

Mental health is linked to concerns about technology

But the study found that instead of the impact of smartphones on mental health, it is related to concerns that participants in the experiments feel about the technology. Heather explained this point by saying, “It is important to consider the actual use of the device separately from people’s concerns about technology, because the first factor is not.” It shows notable reports regarding the effect on mental health, while the second factor does it. “

The effect of smartphones on mental health
The effect of smartphones on mental health

Dr David Ellis of the University of Bath said for his part about the effect of smartphones on mental health: “Our results show that reducing the time spent on phone screens will not make users happier, so what pushes them to achieve this goal is to deal with the fear arising from the problem of their sense of the negative effects of time.

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