A PlayStation 5 broke in early tests


YouTuber Jeremy Penter announced that the PlayStation 5 that was sent to him broke during the first tests. Sony has sent a new promotional unit to YouTuber.

Sony’s next generation game console PlayStation 5From today it will be available in some countries, especially in the USA. However, Sony has already sent the PlayStation 5 promotional units to YouTubers and game publishers.

YouTuber Jeremy Penter, who has 709,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel called ACG, where he shares his game reviews, it broke during the first tests explained.

YouTuber Jeremy Penter’s PlayStation 5 failed in early tests

PlayStation 5

According to Penter’s comments, the PS5 had a problem trying to rebuild its database when storing and running games on an external drive during testing. So PS5, which started having boot and network issues, eventually it has become completely unusable.

As you can imagine, Penter contacted Sony’s support team directly after the problem, but the promotional unit will have become irreparable. sent a new PlayStation 5.


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Since promotional units are usually first party products of game consoles, it is normal for various problems to arise. In fact, another publisher also tested That Xbox Series X stopped projecting on the screen despite being running he had explained. We will be able to see more clearly if some PlayStation 5 units are actually defective when the console is available for sale.

Video in which YouTuber explains that the PlayStation 5 is broken

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