A food supplement that helps burn fat – Health Statement – Life


Research has revealed that taking supplements can support weight loss goals, even if alone they won’t be enough.

Health experts have said that “capsaicin” is one of the evidence-backed weight loss supplements and occurs as a compound found in chillies that emit heat when eaten. It can also be taken as a supplement. According to Russia Today.

Capsaicin is believed to target and eliminate fats by increasing metabolism, a major factor in weight loss.

In fact, as research shows, your weight is highly dependent on your metabolism, which is the process of breaking down what you eat and drink into energy that your body can use in its daily functions.

Evidence suggests that supplementing “capsaicin” can increase metabolism, allowing for easier weight loss and fat burning.

According to research, capsaicin works by increasing oxygen consumption and body temperature, which leads to a slight increase in calories burned.

Studies show that taking this compound regularly can promote calorie deficiency and help burn fat.

Additionally, a 12-week study of 80 people with a slightly elevated body mass index (BMI) linked taking capsaicin supplements with around six milligrams a day for reducing belly fat.

It also appears that “capsaicin” has an appetite-suppressing effect, which can help you reduce the amount of calories consumed throughout the day.

It is important to note that the benefits of taking “capsaicin” will be minimal unless you stick to a healthy diet and exercise.

The NHS has revealed that there is no single rule that applies to everyone, but to lose weight at a safe and sustainable rate of 0.5 to one kilogram per week, most people are advised to reduce their energy intake. of 600 calories per day.

For most men, this means consuming no more than 1900 calories per day and for most women no more than 1400 calories per day.

“The best way to do this is to swap unhealthy, high-energy food options – such as fast food, processed foods, and sugary drinks – for healthier options,” says the NHS.

In general, a healthy diet should consist of:

Plenty of fruit and vegetables.

Plenty of potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy foods (preferably whole-grain varieties).

Some dairy products.

• Certain types of meat, fish, eggs, beans and other sources of non-dairy protein.

• Only small amounts of foods and drinks that are high in fat and sugar.

The other key ingredient in achieving a healthy weight is regular exercise.

Senior medical officials recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week.


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