A food consumed daily increases the risk of diabetes


Type 2 diabetes has been the subject of numerous scientific studies in recent decades. One of the most recent research found that heavy consumers of organic products have a lower risk of diabetes. Other scientific work has shown that consuming more fruits and vegetables can also reduce the risk of developing this condition. Yes, there is no shortage of news and information. However, there are also foods that tend to increase the risk of suffering from such a chronic condition. The last to be identified is present at our tables every day.

Food consumed every day increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

egg consumption and high risk of diabetes new study

Extremely rich in antioxidants, vitamins and trace elements, egg is not yet known in terms of cardiovascular health due to its bad cholesterol content. This represents a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Posted in British Journal of Nutrition, the study was conducted in collaboration with scientists from universities in South Australia, Qatar and the University of Medicine in China. Research authors say consuming large amounts of eggs daily can increase the risk of diabetes.

8,545 Chinese adults over the age of 18 participated in the survey China health and nutrition which occurred between 1991 and 2009. Egg consumers in China nearly doubled over the same period.

increased risk of diabetes, excessive consumption of eggs scientific study

After analyzing the participants’ data, the scientists found that people who consume one or more eggs per day (around 50g) have a 60% higher risk of developing diabetes. But when you reduce your egg intake by 38g per day, your diabetes risk is estimated at 25%. The authors also specify that the effect is more pronounced in women.

The rise in cases of type 2 diabetes is a growing concern in China, which is explained by the shift from traditional Chinese diets to one rich in processed foods and junk foods that poses long-term health risks.

However, in order to defeat diabetes, the international team points out that more research will be needed to study the relationship between egg consumption and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Source: British Journal of Nutrition

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