A dry nose can be a warning sign of coronavirus infection


A new study published on the site by an international team of researchers explains medRxiv *, Details of nasal symptoms associated with loss of smell and aging (loss of smell and taste) in Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), Including early symptoms, which are warning signs of infection.

These findings could help control the spread of Corona by facilitating early diagnosis and making it possible to practice effective social isolation measures more quickly.

Nasal dryness
Nasal dryness

The importance of early identification of asymptomatic infection

Changes in the sense of taste and smell are thought to be present in about 80% of cases COVID-19 In Europe, this evolution is probably related to the entry of the virus into epithelial cells carrying angiotensin II (ACE2), Including the olfactory epithelium in the upper part of the nasal cavity.

future ACE2 It is the site where the virus’s spiny protein enters the host cell to initiate viral replication, and this development can be related to damage to the nasal and brain cells.

The reduction of mucus can also cause a strange sensation in the nasal cavity, in which case it could be a precursor to a virus COVID-19 Before other symptoms, the current study sought to determine whether these changes could be related to other symptoms that could explain them.

The researchers explored nasal symptoms in a group of 35 patients, including only those that could cause marked disturbances in olfactory function.

Unusual nasal symptoms

They found that nearly 70% of the patient group said they had one or more nasal symptoms, including a “strange sensation in the nose,” which is nearly 37 times higher than the control group.

More than 60% said they experienced abnormal dryness in their nose compared to around 15% in the control group. Furthermore, more than half of the patient group said they felt as if a strong nasal lotion had been used, while only one member of the control group reported this feeling makes the patient group 32 times more likely to have these symptoms.

In the patient group, nasal symptoms mostly appeared during the same period as the smell and taste changed, or before the onset of the latter, and the mean period of these symptoms was on average 12 days, compared with 5 days in the control group.

Overall, approximately 85% and 80% of patients experienced problems with loss of smell and taste, respectively, which is consistent with other reports on the subject.


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