a doctor solves the mystery


Illness in fishermen: a doctor reveals the mystery

Identifying the contours of the so-called mysterious disease affecting fishermen is today at the center of the concerns of the ministerial departments concerned, first of all the Ministry of Health. However, according to a Senegalese doctor, this pathology could be chickenpox.

“Chickenpox is a contagious disease caused by the chickenpox virus, we have it only once in our life, after we have acquired immunity… Its contamination is very rapid. That is why in fishing villages where there is a lot of promiscuity, it may seem logical that the disease affects so many people in such a short time.

Treatment is symptomatic only with antiseptics to wash and antihistamines to stop itching. Sometimes, to avoid bacterial superinfection, we can add antibiotics, “says our source.

For him, this treatment bears fruit “two or even three weeks later”.

However, our interlocutor is keen to underline an important point: “Chickenpox in children is less serious than that in adults. Chickenpox quite severe as is currently seen in these young adult anglers. We must isolate them, we give them the symptoms. treatment and wait for spontaneous healing … “

Author: Mouhamadou DIALLO – Seneweb.com

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