A doctor reveals the number of hours of sleep needed to prevent the flu



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Lack of sleep negatively affects human health and makes the body weaker and more susceptible to infections, especially in the flu season

And endoscopy specialist Lydia Golubenko explained that if a person sleeps less than seven hours a day every night, the risk of developing the disease increases threefold, according to “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

“This is because your body uses time during sleep to restore and maintain the effectiveness of all systems,” Golubenko said.

This is why a person should try to sleep seven to eight hours a day to enjoy good health and strong immunity. And if a person feels weak, then he should make sleep a priority in his schedule – the more time he rests, the faster the body will recover.

The expert previously indicated, according to the expert, that sweets and other sugary foods have a temporary negative effect on the immune system, as they can impair the ability of white blood cells to fight viruses and bacteria.

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