A doctor of an intensive care unit “simulates” the last moments before the death of “Covid-19”!



Doctor in intensive care

Karolina Grabowska Photo: Pexels

Expressive image

A doctor from “St. Louis” USA had a realistic view of what the death of “Covid-19” looks like, saying he hoped the footage would force more people to wear masks.

Kenneth E. Remy – an intensive care physician who also works as a city councilor in Wildwood, Missouri – posted an 88-second video Saturday to show the “horrific” conditions anyone could face if they didn’t take escalating the crisis seriously. coronavirus.

Remy says in the clip: “This is what it looks like when you breathe 40 times a minute and your oxygen level is below 80”. He then holds a tube over the camera to simulate what the patient sees when he is about to be connected to a ventilator.

“This is how it would be. I hope the last moments of your life are not like this. Because this is what you will see at the end of your life if we don’t start wearing masks when we are out,” he added.

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A recent experience watching

Remy ends the shocking clip by urging people to wear masks, practice social distancing, and wash their hands often.

And he repeats: “Because I promise you this will be what you see. I promise, this is what your mother, father or children will see when they are infected with the Covid disease at the end of their life. This is serious.”

And in St. Louis, where Remy filmed his video clip in the Missouri Baptist Medical Center intensive care unit, the number of coronavirus cases, hospital admissions and deaths hit record highs in the past ten days, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Remy said she made the enthusiastic plea to be aware of people who either refuse to wear masks or choose not to wear them.

He also said: “Wearing a mask and not getting sick is the best way to protect your personal freedom.” He added that he had to tell 11 families last week that their relatives had died from “Covid-19”.

The United States has reported more than 12.4 million cases of “Covid-19”, resulting in at least 258,666 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

Source: New York Post

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