a child is born with antibodies to Covid-19


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In Singapore, a newborn whose mother contracted the pregnant coronavirus was auscultated from birth. The medical team was thus able to discover that it had antibodies to resist Covid-19.

With our correspondent in Singapore, Gabrielle Marshals

Aldrin Ng Chan is only a few weeks old, but he’s already intriguing scientists around the world. When the WHO still confesses great ignorance about how coronavirus affects a fetus in utero or not, this Singaporean baby asks more questions than scientists answer. Because Aldrin was born with antibodies that allowed him to resist the virus, which his mother had contracted in Europe in March before returning to Singapore.

Even more surprising to scientists: the young mother who has since tested negative for Covid-19 no longer contains antibodies in her body.

The hypothesis advanced so far by the medical team that followed this atypical case is that the pregnant woman transmitted all of its antibodies to his future son. However, doctors don’t know how long they will stay in the baby’s body or how effective they are against the coronavirus.

The young mother and her baby then ensured that they would gladly lend themselves to the ongoing research, to help unravel all the mysteries of Covid-19.


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