a baby is born with antibodies


In Indonesia, a woman gave birth to a baby who was carrying antibodies … Focus on this story that intrigues the scientific community.

Celine Ng-Chan, 31, gave birth to her second child in early November in Singapore.

His son, named Aldrin, was perfectly healthy at birth and even had antibodies that could protect him from the coronavirus.

Infected during pregnancy

The young woman allegedly contracted Covid-19 during pregnancy, after a trip to Europe. Among her entourage, her parents, husband and eldest daughter also contracted the coronavirus during the famous escapade abroad.

His mother, aged 58, almost lost her life, specifies the young mother in the Singapore newspaper, The Straits Times.

Céline Ng-Chan was only 10 weeks pregnant when she was diagnosed with Coronavirus positivity:

I wasn’t worried about Aldrin getting Covid-19 because I had read that the risk of transmission (from mother to fetus) is very low.

He claimed to do so Straits Times.

In short ? The pediatrician responsible for the young mother confirms that her antibodies protecting her from the virus have completely disappeared, but that her son is a carrier.

The medical profession suspects that the mother passed them on during pregnancy.

Scientists are intrigued by the question of immunity

This is not the first time individuals have carried antibodies without having contracted the coronavirus.

In early November, three young children were targeted by the Australian scientific community: they had strangely developed significant immunity to the virus. therefore they had never been “positive” for the virus.

A study published in the scientific journal Nature, shed light on this phenomenon, which is very little observed on a global scale.

Negative cases … but still

This study was conducted on a family that was hit hard by the coronavirus. A Melbourne couple contracted the virus during a marriage and developed common symptoms of the disease (cough, stuffy nose, fever …)

Spared children

Their three children, ages 9, 7, and 5, tested negative after several PCR tests. The two older children had some symptoms and the younger was 100% asymptomatic. Incredible, isn’t it?

Recruited by Murdoch City University’s Child Research Institute, the Australian family was closely followed by a group of scientists.

Result? The work done confirms that the children have indeed developed powerful immunity to the virus.

The three children are also said to have produced a large amount of immunoglobulin A, an immunity also present in the parents and formidable against the coronavirus.

That’s not all: one of the children also produced immunoglobulin G, which is rarer and specific to people who have contracted the virus.

“This highlights the limits of sensitivity of nasopharyngeal PCR and current diagnostic serology in children”

Would the children still have contracted the virus without the tests detecting it? Mystery.

Are you passionate about the issue of immunity? Check out our video at the beginning of the article on cross immunity, explained by Michel Cymes.

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