After | Price | Modify |
1 day | $ 0.4610 | 0.97% |
1 week | $ 0.4618 | 1.15% |
1 month | $ 0.4374 | -4.20% |
6 months | $ 0.4942 | 8.24% |
1 years | $ 0.8736 | 91.32% |
5 years | $ 2.2580 | 394.53% |
The Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is a technical trading instrument based on the momentum used to determine when a market is overbought or oversold. Commodity product index is at -94.99494, which indicates neutral action.
The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is an important indicator for measuring the speed and variation of price movements. Its value ranges from zero to 100. The value around 30 and below is considered an oversold region and over 70 as oversold regions. Relative Strength Index indicates the Neutral action, with value at 45.42381.
The stochastic oscillator is a momentum indicator that compares the closing price of a security with the price range in a given period. The stochastic oscillator indicates the Neutral action, with value 34.49119.
Moving Average (MA) in simple terms is only the average of any subset of numbers. For example, the simple 50-day moving average is calculated at any point in the chart by adding the 50 days price and dividing it by 50.
9 days moving average of the hull indicates Sell since Ripple trades at $ 0.4566, below the MA value of 0.46445. The 50-day moving average is at 0.47755, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 100 days Simple Moving Average indicates that the Buy share has a value of 0.42362, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566.
The 30-day exponential moving average is at 0.48343, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. The 5-day moving average is at 0.48055, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 20 days of exponential moving average indicates Sell, as Ripple trades at $ 0.4566, below the MA value of 0.48617.
5 days of exponential moving average is at 0.47294, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 200 days of exponential moving average indicates a & # 39; sales share with value at 0.49807, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. Exponential moving average of 10 days is at 0.48288, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566.
The 10-day moving average is at 0.48963, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 200 days Simple Moving Average indicates Sell, as Ripple trades at $ 0.4566, below the MA value of 0.47981. The 20-day weighted moving average is at 0.49353, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566.
100 days of exponential moving average indicates a & # 39; sales share with value at 0.46487, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 20 days of simple moving average is at 0.49519, showing the sales signal, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 30-day moving average means Sell, as Ripple trades at $ 0.4566, below the MA value of 0.48333.
Read also: Frequently Asked Questions about Cryptocurrency
9 days Ichimoku Cloud Base Line indicates a neutral stock with value at 0.49092, Ripple is trading below it at $ 0.4566. 50 days of exponential moving average indicates Sell as Ripple trades at $ 0.4566, below the MA value of 0.47378.
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