Carolina Herrera argues with comments on women


Mexico City /

Carolina Herrera, a Venezuelan designer, has once again sparked controversy, because from her point of view, women aged 40 and over who wear long hair are “classless” people. The famous new entrepreneur was once again in the spotlight for opposing women’s freedom of decision. Once again, Carolina has shown that for her, women who are past the “youth stage” do not deserve to have fun. Here we tell you what happened and how they criticized it.

On repeated occasions, the famous woman has been involved in multiple racist and class representations. The figure of fashion and style has done so once again and in an interview for the Daily Mail medium he stated that women who wear long hair from the age of 40 are classless people, which has sparked criticism of them.

“Only classless women have long hair since the age of 40,” Carolina Herrera told the Daily Mail.

Furthermore, as if that were not enough, Carolina Herrera also made an inappropriate comment on the use of miniskirts or bikinis, because according to her they are only for young people.

“Miniskirts are for young women, as well as bikinis … jeans are for young people too,” she said.

As expected, the stylist’s controversial statements raised severe criticism of her, also to spice up the moment, they used images of phenomenally-looking long-haired women.

Social networks react to Carolina Herrera’s comment

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