SwissCovid is the most popular app in the Apple App Store, before WhatsApp!


Corona Warning App: “Innovation of the Year”

The US science magazine “Popular Science” has crowned smartphone technology, which Swiss scientists helped develop and on which SwissCovid and many other warning apps are based, as “Innovation of the Year”.

Specifically, these are the interfaces for iPhone and Android smartphones, which Apple and Google have developed in close collaboration with the DP-3T consortium and which are available for government apps. The so-called “Exposure Notification” system is an antivirus that allows direct notification of affected persons and ensures data protection.

According to Wikipedia, “Popular Science” is a popular US scientific journal founded in 1872, which appears monthly and has won numerous awards to date. It is translated into over 30 different languages ​​and distributed in over 45 countries around the world.

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