Does the flu vaccine protect against covid-19?


According to a recent Dutch study, the flu shot can ensure that the body is protected against covid-19. Will this vaccine be the long-awaited miracle around the world?

A flu vaccine study

The researchers noted in the first phase of their studies that healthy cells can respond effectively against the new coronavirus thanks to the flu vaccine. In the Netherlands, a vaccination campaign was able to develop a cytokine response and an immune response.

Flu vaccine
Flu vaccine

The Covid-19 rates analyzed among employees who were vaccinated against seasonal flu at their hospital did not exceed 39%. Regarding this observation, the research team was formal. The seasonal flu vaccine may be effective in partial protection against these two infections during this cold season.

The seasonal flu vaccine

According to Santé magazine, seasonal flu affects nearly eight million people and more than 10,000 deaths in France. It is one of the devastating diseases that mainly affect fragile people. The degree of importance of this disease is in fact the same as that of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Persons over the age of 65, pregnant women, children under the age of six and all those with chronic disease are considered vulnerable. Therefore, a vaccine that helps your body protect itself from these two deadly diseases is of vital help.

This year, the HAS or Haute Autorité de Santé also said on May 20 that influenza vaccination should be addressed as soon as possible to people at risk, those who could be severely affected by covid-19. The effectiveness of the flu vaccine varies from year to year and lasts about six months.

When will the covid-19 vaccine be ready?

For the moment, it is still a bit early to claim victory after this discovery. Only the last phase will confirm its effectiveness, even if the results are quite stunning. Additionally, a vaccine requires several years of research and development.

This vaccine is still not enough to provide the necessary protection so that the body can protect itself from Covid-19. No shortcuts possible. However, an inactivated flu vaccine can elicit immune responses that result in relative protection against the coronavirus.

Vaccine against covid-19
Vaccine against covid-19

In just one week, 4 million French people followed the vaccination campaign. Many people are therefore already in possession of the flu vaccine. Vaccine doses have disappeared at lightning speed and already 60% of pharmacies are out of stock, a figure that could increase.

So why do we have to wait any longer? Additionally, some health professionals believe it is time to vaccinate the entire population against the flu first.

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