Fruit containing an anti-inflammatory substance can help relieve back pain!



Fruit containing an anti-inflammatory substance can help relieve back pain!

Karolina Grabowska Photo: Pexels

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Back pain can occur at any time and will negatively affect a person’s life, sometimes in a harmful way, and in some cases the cause of the pain is annoying inflammation.

Sometimes anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for treatment, and what you eat can also play a role in reducing inflammation in your body. Hence, health experts advise grapes to help fight back pain.

Grapes contain an anti-inflammatory known as resveratrol and it has been found to fight pain and this compound tends to concentrate mainly in the skins and seeds of grapes and berries.

A study published in the journal Spine suggests that resveratrol injection may help by slowing the rate of degeneration of the vertebrae in the spine.

Dr Michael Levin, of Chirocare, said, “Grapes contain an antioxidant-like compound known as resveratrol, which helps relieve back pain. It prevents some enzymes from contributing to tissue degeneration, especially in the back. which can lead to cartilage damage causing back pain. “.

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4 exercises to improve posture and protect you from back pain!

Back pain can be caused by sleeping in the wrong position or in poor posture, or even a minor injury.

In most cases, back pain is nothing to worry about and will get better on its own within a few weeks or months.

A study showed that alertness-based stress reduction improved back pain, “Medical News” reported.

The health site added, “Awareness includes being aware of what the body is doing and using meditation techniques to relieve pain. Progressive muscle relaxation is another method that involves strengthening and relaxing the muscles in the body. focusing on one muscle group at a time. Incorrect posture due to push-ups or office strain, can cause back pain and other muscle aches. “

In this regard, Bupa revealed that there are 4 simple steps that can reduce the risk of developing back pain in the first place:

Exercise regularly.

When lifting things, a person should bend their knees and hips, not their back.

Maintain good posture when sitting.

The need not to stay in the same situation for long periods of time.

Source: Express

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