After a long period of stability, the epidemic is finally fading


A Covid-19 test, illustration – Ludovic Marin / AP / SIPA

Faced with the second wave of Covid-19, the Maritime Alps have resisted. The ward, rather “behind” the epidemic, was then hit hard, but is now in a phase of easing, even at the hospital level.

This Tuesday, 58 patients with the novel coronavirus were still in intensive care according to the daily assessment of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur … a decline of a quarter in one week! The sheaf occupancy rate fell to 65%, the lowest level since mid-November.

The “positive rate” below 10%

On Tuesday, for the first time, the number of people admitted to hospital drops dramatically. It stands at 228, the lowest level since November 12. The ward seems to emerge from a plateau and is finally starting a decline in the number of hospitalized people, which tends to confirm the decline in hospitalizations.

The positivity rate fell to 9.9%, the lowest recorded in the Paca region outside Vaucluse. The “R” number, which allows you to estimate the number of people infected with a person carrying Covid-19, has dropped to 0.56. This indicates that ten patients infect fewer than six people. And therefore that the epidemic is in decline.

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