Samsung will bet on thinner and lighter foldable smartphones


Samsung is the leading manufacturer in the market, responsible for the most used Android smartphones in the world. However, faced with a “saturated market”, the pioneer of folding devices will increasingly bet on this format to continue growing.

It was at the hands of Samsung, and then of Huawei, that we met the first folding smartphones, a niche that is still taking its first steps. However, it will be on this completely new field that the South Korean manufacturer will bet the most.

Foldable smartphones are Samsung’s future

Samsung Galaxy Flio Android smartphone

The market segment that Samsung helped create still needs a lot of work, but it will be a major investment vehicle. With the new equipment already outlined, the priority will be to respond to consumer demands.

This is the corollary of the Samsung Electronics 2020 Investor Forum, a virtual conference that brought together several of the company’s most important shareholders and directors, as well as Lee Jong-Min, the current CEO of the South Korean company.

Another vernacular theme was linked to the future of the company, to its position in the market mobile and the future of it. In view of the current state of saturation, with slight signs of recovery, Samsung will put more foldable smartphones in stores.

In the face of a saturated market, the bet will be on folding smartphones

Samsung Galaxy Fold
Goals set by Samsung at Electronics Investors Forum 2020

Taking the floor, Lee Jong-Min said foldable smartphones will allow Samsung to continue growing, even with the “saturated smartphone market.” The head of the producer was clear, the future will go through this new format.

“Foldable smartphones are not just an expansion of current phones, but a completely different industry,” Jong-Min said at the investor and shareholder conference.

The brand’s efforts will then go through the consolidation of the Z range as one of the most popular products, rooting this range in the minds of consumers. Something they will achieve by also supporting progress in other areas and product ranges.

Meet consumers

Samsung Galaxy Fold
Data revealed by Samsung at Electronics Investors Forum 2020

While it may seem obvious, the next foldable smartphones should be thinner and lighter. This point has been quite emphasized, even though the most recent iteration of the Galaxy Fold is heavier and thicker than the first in its range.

Also revealing many of the desires of consumers, Samsung wants to respond to these needs. By focusing on productivity with Fold, screen size will continue to be the main asset, combined with the foldable format.

Add to this the portability and convenience of having a large screen, in a future more compact format. In other words, Folds will give the consumer the large screen area that characterizes and enhances tablets, but in an easy-to-carry product.

Meanwhile, Samsung is finalizing the Galaxy S21 line, with a likely launch in February 2021. There we may also discover a new foldable device, reflecting this new direction and the company’s coordinated efforts.

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