On the one hand, the earth is being sold by the moon for $ 25, on the other hand, governments and companies compete for rare mining on the moon.



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Humanity has turned its face to the Moon. The lunar embassy site provides 4,000 square meters of land from the Earth’s satellite for US $ 25. Governments and companies compete to conquer and colonize the Moon, where they crave rare earths and other resources.

Vice, Earth moon moon announced it is on sale.

Drawing attention to the fact that during the coronavirus pandemic, people moved from cities to rural areas and tried to live in open areas, Vice, But the search for properties in the distance leads some buyers to the most desolate suburbs: to the moon” She said.

Sale of 4 thousand square meters of land for 25 dollars

Site of the Lunar Embassy Vice said he sold 4,000 square meters of land from the world’s only satellite for a small price of $ 25 and gave the title deed, Lunar Embassy’nin sahibi Dennis Hope spoke with.

“Millions of people already own the earth on the moon”

Hope, who claimed the entire moon in 1980, said millions of people already have licenses to own land on the moon. Lunar Embassy, In addition to the Moon, Mars, Mercury and other planets of the Solar System also sells land.

But the deeds of ownership have no validity

The bad news for future space settlers is that there is no evidence that these are valid legal documents.

In the opinion of the international community, no one can own the Moon, as everyone owns it.

United Nations Conventions on Space Objects

In the shadow of the threat of a nuclear arms race in space in 1967, a United Nations convention that brought together more than 100 countries recorded that no country could claim any claims on any part of space objects, including the moon.

Those who do not share the natural resources of the moon

Another 1979 United Nations convention attempted to expand this spirit of intergalactic sharing to utilize the natural resources of the Moon, but countries with the ability to reach the Moon –China, Russia and the United States as – never signed.

Because although there are words in Western folklore that the moon is made of cheese, there are known to be much more valuable substances in the earth’s moon. Helium 3, the lightest non-radioactive isotope of helium gas.

Energy source of the future, rich in helium 3

Some scientists consider helium 3, which is valued at $ 40,000, as the energy source of the future, which will change the world.

Helium 3, which is scarce on Earth, has more than a million tons on the Moon.

Moon water is important for space travel

While surprising, another potential source of money on the Moon is water.

Lunar water, in the form of small chunks of ice, could theoretically be turned into rocket fuel, allowing spaceships to refill gas from there to more distant places like Mars.

As the race to the moon begins again, governments and companies compete for the best position to extract rare earths and other resources.

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