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Are you ready for Cyber ​​Monday 2020? Before entering this world of digital offers it is important to know some key points to make your experience very positive and by the way You know a little about the origin of this date.

Why is it called Cyber ​​Monday?

Cyber ​​Monday or Cyber ​​Monday is a date where e-commerce or digital platforms offer consumers multiple offers and discounts.

Cyber ​​Monday was created by the National Retail Federation of America and together with the Black Friday, represent the beginning of Christmas shopping in that country.

  • Tradition or exercise that has been replicated in various parts of the world.

In this 2020, Cyber ​​Monday will be Monday 30th November and several stores will offer attractive discounts so that consumers can shop in comfort of your computers or mobile devices.

Who invented it calling it Cyber ​​Monday?

the The origin of the term dates back to 2005 and is given to Ellen Davies, senior vice president of research and strategic initiatives at National Retail Federation.

  • Cyber ​​Monday is an initiative born in the United States

Other names thought of for this date were:

  • Black Monday, derived from “Black Friday or Black Friday”.
  • Blue Monday, because of the blue discount tags.
Cyber ​​Monday or Cyber ​​Monday is a date when e-commerce or digital platforms offer consumers more deals and discounts. | Photo: Getty Images

But why Monday?

the National Retail Federation noted that employees and various people in the United States, They took advantage of Monday to do the Christmas shopping they couldn’t do on Black Friday.

This was due to several factors, including: that there was a better Internet connection from the officebesides counting with the necessary equipment to make online transactions.

Without forgetting it purchases can be made privately without a family member present to discover “his gift”.

The term Cyber ​​Monday officially emerged on November 28, 2005 since then via a press release website (now NRF NXT), organization that digital marketing and e-commerce professionals turn to to optimize their platforms and keep up with technology updates.

What is the difference between Cyber ​​Monday and Black Friday?

The difference between Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, is the file It was initially thought to offer discounts and offers in physical stores. On the other hand, the second only offers online sales.

  • Another feature that differentiates them are the discounts you find on the products.

Generally, Fans of devices and technology take advantage of Cyber ​​Monday to buy products at a lower price than Black Friday, as well as finding better deals on travel and appliances.

On the other hand, Black Friday offers a number of discounts on products such as:

Leaving a little in addition to technology.

How to take advantage of Cyber ​​Monday in Mexico?

This Monday some online stores will offer attractive discounts for Cyber ​​Monday 2020.

Remember this before you act some online purchases it is important to take into account a number of recommendations to make your experience more enjoyable e Avoid being a victim of fraud or cybercrime. Here are some suggestions.

1. Know the shopping sites in advance

If the store where you are interested in purchasing a product is located in the United States, It’s important that you know there are shipments to Mexico, as well as its terms and conditions.

2. Check the specifications of the pages consulted.

In many products, offers are limited to a certain number of consumers, so if you think what you want is going to run out, it is better to buy it in advance.

Shopping experts recommend that you put the things you want in the cart of the previous days, so that on the day of the purchase you just have to press “pay” and that’s it.

3. Protect your personal data

To keep your personal and financial data safe, Kaspersky cybersecurity experts recommend do not click on any links, especially those received from strangers.

Remember not to click on suspicious links sent by friends or strangers via social networks or email.

Avoid falling into “harmful offers”, created to download all types of “malware” on the device or to direct them to pages that collect user data.

4. Check the security of the page.

Once you have identified the page where you will make the purchase, check the domain name and the security lock of the portals.

5. Protect your computer and avoid public networks

The most recommended is to use tools that protect your computer, to make Internet browsing safer.

You should also avoid public computers or networks when making a purchase, especially when it comes to entering personal or financial data.

Install a security solution on your device with built-in tools to prevent financial fraud.

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