EXCLUSIVE Latest news on Mihai Budeanu, hospitalized at the ATI. His entire family has covid-19


The soloist of the band 3 South East, Mihai Budeanu, who was diagnosed with the ruthless coronavirus two weeks ago, feels better. He will be transferred from the ICU to the salon and then will be admitted to a medical recovery center. Sources close to the great artist’s family have said, exclusively for Playtech.ro, that his wife, Emilia, and their two children were diagnosed with the same disease, and Mihai felt great emotions for those at home.

Latest news on Mihai Budeanu, hospitalized at the ATI

The family of Mihai Budeanu, soloist of the band 3 Sud Est, had great emotions for the life of the artist, who was diagnosed with the ruthless coronavirus. The relatives of the family declared, today, exclusively for Playtech.ro: “Mihai is better, but also in intensive care. In these days it will be transferred to the salon. They will stay there for a while, then they will take them to a recovery center, where it was not announced where ”. His wife, Ema, was worried about both Mihai’s health and her and their two children: “Both Ema and their children were sick, they had coronavirus, tomorrow they will come out of isolation.

Luckily they didn’t have many problems, they enjoyed it. Ema made sure Mihai didn’t lose anything, even if she was locked in the house. He sent them packages of food and clothes to the hospital through someone, a nurse took them over ”. But Mihai’s colleagues Laurențiu Duță and Viorel Sipoș also announced on their social media accounts that their close friend has managed to overcome the critical period: “Dear friends, Mihai’s health is improving. We believe the critical period has passed, after several difficult days in intensive care. Recovery is coming, “announced these fans, who have not curbed their health wishes for Mihai Budeanu.

Viorel Sipoș: “Luckily he was given the plasma in time”

Infected with the new coronavirus, Mihai Budeanu was admitted to the municipal hospital of Mangalia (COVID support hospital) and on Thursday 19 November he was transferred to the municipal hospital of Medgidia. The artist was in urgent need of plasma and the Mangalia hospital did not have this possibility. Contacted by Playtech.ro, at that moment, his bandmate Viorel Șipoș told us that Mihai only started to feel better after receiving the plasma treatment, which saved his life: “Mihai is better. The doctors gave him the plasma because he was pretty serious. He needed this treatment. It was administered on time. We are all worried. Let’s hope everything goes well for him. “

Mihai Budeanu is married to Emilia Budeanu, his high school partner, and they have two children

Mihai is not only a great soloist, but also a convinced family man. Emilia has been with her almost all this time, posting photos of the two of them smiling on her Facebook account, a sign that they too will overcome this problem. Fans appreciated the post: “Good health, our dear Mihai, we love you very much, I constantly think of you, of Vio and Laur, of all those who are dear to you! We can’t wait to see you at home and on stage! Emilia, can you tell us if her health has improved? You’re good? What if we can help you with something? When it’s hard for you to always think of me. Here we go, Emma! He’s coming home, Phoenix, stronger than ever! “Mihai Budeanu is proud of his son, Ștefan (10), who is a talented pianist, but also of Sara (13), his daughter, beautiful-fire. Mihai Budeanu and Emilia have fallen in love since high school, when they were 17 years old, and their marriage took place 15 years ago.

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