Last hour! What is happening now with Mihai Budeanu, hospitalized at the ATI


Mihai Budeanu, a member of the well-known South East band 3, is also hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit, after being infected with coronavirus. His health was critical, but doctors managed to bring him to the waterline after administering the plasma. It really saved his life, as his bandmates admit.

It turned out what is happening to Mihai Budeanu, after arriving at the hospital in critical condition, suffering from coronavirus

Mihai Budeanu is still hospitalized in the ATI ward, but he has to be transferred to the salon and after being discharged he will go to a recovery center.

In addition to the health problems he had to face, Mihai Budeanu also thought about those at home, because his wife and two children also got sick. coronavirus. The singer’s family was isolated, but the good news is that they have dealt with this infection more easily and are about to leave home.

We found out what's going on with Mihai Budeanu
We found out what’s happening with Mihai Budeanu

The singer also caused problems for his family

All this time, Mihai’s wife, Emilia, made sure nothing was lost. Through an acquaintance, he sent Mihai food and change of clothes every day.

The relatives of the family declared, today, exclusively for “Mihai is better, but he is still in intensive care. In these days he will be transferred to the salon. They will stay there for a while, then they will take them to a recovery center, it was not announced where. Both Ema and their little ones were sick. , they had the coronavirus, tomorrow they will come out of isolation.

Luckily they didn’t have many problems, they enjoyed it. Ema made sure Mihai didn’t lose anything, even if she was locked in the house. He sent them packages of food and clothes to the hospital through someone, a nurse took them over ”.

Plasma treatment only has results

Mihai’s colleagues Laurențiu Duță and Viorel Sipoș also announced on their social media accounts that their close friend has managed to overcome the critical period. “Dear friends, Mihai’s health is improving. We believe the critical period is past, after several difficult days in the ICU. Recovery is coming.”, these fans announced.

Mihai Budeanu was admitted to Mangalia Municipal Hospital (COVID Support Hospital), after being infected with coronavirus, and on Thursday 19 November he was transferred to Medgidia Municipal Hospital. The artist was in urgent need of plasma and the Mangalia hospital did not have this treatment.

His bandmate Viorel Șipoș stated for the same source that Mihai only began to feel better after receiving the plasma treatment, which saved his life: “It’s better Mihai. The doctors gave him the plasma because he was pretty serious. He needed this treatment. It was given on time. We are all worried. Let’s hope he is okay.” then Viorel said.

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