An unexpected relationship between toothpaste and Corona – declaration of health – life


In an unexpected result, an American laboratory study concluded that some toothpastes contain substances that neutralize the Corona virus inside the mouth by 99%, reducing its transmission from the patient to those around him.

Studies have revealed that toothpastes that contain zinc formulations containing cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) almost completely eliminate the virus in the mouth.

And the lab studies included a new toothpaste that cleared the crown by more than 99 percent, after two minutes of mouth washing, and the paste containing zinc formulations showed effectiveness after just 30 seconds of use.

Test results show the toothpaste fights the epidemic by temporarily reducing the amount of virus in the mouth, which reduces the chances of spreading the infection through its sprays, according to Sky News.

The virus is spread, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through respiratory droplets or small particles that come out of the person’s mouth when they cough, sneeze, speak, or even breathe.

In conjunction with the laboratory studies, a clinical study was conducted that included around 50 patients in a hospital in Brazil, and this study demonstrated the ability of a number of toothpastes to temporarily reduce the amount of virus in the mouth.

The studies are part of the “Colgate” research program, which includes clinical research on people infected with the virus to evaluate the effectiveness of oral hygiene products in reducing the amount of virus inside, which can lead to slow transmission of the virus that causes “Covid 19”.

The studies, carried out last October, were conducted in collaboration with the Public Health Research Institute of Rutgers University in New Jersey and the regional biosecurity laboratories.

Colgate said additional and supported clinical research studies are still in their early stages.

Researcher Maria Ryan said, “We are still in the early stages of our clinical research, but our preliminary laboratory and clinical results are very promising.”

He added: “Although brushing and rinsing are not considered a treatment in itself or a way to fully protect an individual from infection, they can help reduce the transmission of the virus and slow its spread.”


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