Wendler: The “DSDS” star does a song about him – the network celebrates him


Mike Leon Grosch sang a parody of Wendler. Image: instagram screenshot

The “DSDS” star with a song about Wendler – the network celebrates him

Michael Wendler has been shaking his head with his actions lately. One who doesn’t feel like shaking his head is “DSDS” finalist Mike Leon Grosch. Without further ado, he recorded a song about the pop singer, a so-called Disstrack. In which he teases Wendler, who turned into a conspiracy oath. His song is well received on the Internet.

Grosch refrains from insulting the hit star or using profanity. Instead, he chooses a more elegant weapon: irony.

Among other things, the song says:

Grosch continues to sing that he too would rather be a Wendler and run away from his creditors. The chorus is based on a famous song from the film: “I Wish I Was Like You” from the special song from the jungle book.

In Grosch it sounds like this: “Oh dubidu, I would like to be like you / I’ll understand like you, see him like you, uh-uh.”

His Wendler song is well received, both on Instagram and on TikTok. Grosch first published it on the latter platform.

Wendler himself has not yet commented on the song. No wonder, since he is busy uncovering two major conspiracies on his Telegram channel: the alleged false elections in the United States and the alleged non-existent pandemic. Maybe he should just sing again.



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