3 Xiaomi myths you still believe in, dismantled by its CEO


Do you still believe these myths about Xiaomi? Their CEO tries to dismantle them in order to change the way you think about the brand.

Last updated on 29/11/2020 at 19:01

Becoming one of the brands that sells the most mobile phones in the world didn’t help Xiaomi to disengage from some of the myth most popular on the brand.

And there are still those who believe it Xiaomi is still the same company from years ago, when he had only a small part of the global share of smartphones.

This is why he wanted Lei Jun, CEO and co-founder of the company dismantle three of the most widespread myths about the Chinese company.

Myths about Xiaomi in 2020i

Even in 2020, there are still myths around Xiaomi.

Xiaomi only sells cheap and low-end products

Even today many people consider it Xiaomi’s success is due to its philosophy of selling extremely cheap products and whose quality does not reach the level of that of more expensive products.

And even if it’s partly true in its philosophy of low prices is the key to the success of the brand, Lei Jun disagrees with the idea that Xiaomi sells low-end products or products of questionable quality.

He puts as an example the Xiaomi Mi 10 Extreme Commemorative Edition, one of the more expensive and in turn best-selling phones this year, known in other regions of the planet as Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra. Not only does it match a good portion of the high-end phones launched this year, but it surpasses many of them in terms of ** photography, technical data or screen quality.

In this sense, it also refers to Redmi TV Max high-end television, with 98 inches of diagonal and a price of over 2,500 euros.

XIaomi Mi 10 Ultra in three colors

Xiaomi Mi 10 Ultra is Xiaomi’s most extreme mobile phone to date.

Xiaomi does not manufacture its devices

Another myth that doesn’t seem to fit well with Lei Jun is the one that states it Xiaomi does not manufacture its own devicesInstead, it uses third parties to mass produce the products that make up its catalog.

In that sense, argues that not just society has its own factories devices, but these are among the most efficient in the industry. For example, he puts the “smart” factory in the city of Yizhuang, in Beijing, capable of producing 1 million high-end mobile phones per year, with the support of only 100 engineers and workers.

Xiaomi no innova

The third myth Lei Jun refers to is what he says Xiaomi merely adopts the ideas of other companies instead of innovating and developing their own technologies.

But the reality is quite different, at least for the co-founder of the company.

Indicates that the company’s revenues went from 500 million to over 205,000 million in less than 10 years, 422 in the Fortune Global 500 ranking, where companies such as Apple, Huawei or Samsung are also present. And, according to Lei Jun, growth of this magnitude cannot be achieved without innovating.

As an example he puts the file advances in the photographic field achieved with their smartphones in recent years, thanks to a department entirely dedicated to the development of photographic systems for their cell phones which went from having only 122 engineers in 2018, to having 826 members.

But he assures it they also research and develop new technologies applied to other fields besides photography. For example, they talk innovation has focused on something as simple as chargers accompanying their cell phones, a field to which time and effort has been devoted to creating much smaller chargers based on gallium nitride. These chargers are commonly known as “GaN”.

Which Xiaomi mobile to buy: buying guide

Xiaomi and Redmi phones, the company’s secondary brand

And if that’s not enough, Xiaomi itself decided to create a file three years ago industry background where the company will invest in the design and production of cutting-edge technologies, which today already serves as a support to more than 100 companies focused on promoting the development of new technologies in China.

It is not the first time that Xiaomi has faced image problems because of his past. Just a few months ago we reported how Xiaomi had been forced to raise the price of its phones to get rid of its “cheap” brand image in India, but it seems the company still has some work to do in this regard.

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