Sanofi-Aventis recalls a batch of Micropakine


A batch of Micropakine, a medicine prescribed by Sanofi-Aventis to prevent epilepsy, was withdrawn due to the risk of overdose. The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) indicates that batch No. DM0059 of Micropakine LP 500 mg, whose expiration date is March 2022, has dosage defects. Patients discovered empty sachets and sachets overfilled twice with sodium valproate granules in two boxes of 30 doses. Or the equivalent of Micropakine LP 1000 mg. Sodium valproate overdose carries the risk of drowsiness and lethargy. Affected patients must return the boxes to their pharmacy as soon as possible for a free exchange, so as not to interrupt their treatment. If the patient cannot go to the pharmacy, he should contact the pharmacist or attending physician. Sanofi-Aventis France also asked to contact pharmacists and pharmacies in health care facilities, ” with all the means at their disposal », Patients who may have and / or have used the specialty of the lot affected by this recall. ” To date, no cases of adverse reactions related to this defect have been reported. »Reassures ANSM.

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