Turmeric is your magic dish for many diseases … it fights cancer and Alzheimer’s


A recent study conducted by the European Journal of Medical and Pharmacological Studies, and published by the British newspaper The Sun, revealed that turmeric contains 10 different benefits for the body, as it contains curcumin, which is rich in many important minerals and vitamins. making it one of the most important elements that must be included in the beneficial diet for physical health and resistance to many diseases.

The study showed the importance of turmeric in treating infections because it contains curcumin, which contains antioxidants, as well as contributing to weight loss and low body mass index, helps reduce inflammation associated with obesity and gives you a slight increase in fat burning.

Turmeric also contributes to Alzheimer’s resistance, India has been using it for thousands of years in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, where eating one gram a day is beneficial for memory and cognitive functions.

The study has shown that it helps overcome joint pain, thanks to its ability to reduce pain, stiffness and swelling in the joints affected by arthritis, and also helps improve mood and resistance to depression as it resists symptoms. of anxiety and frustration.

Turmeric is an effective treatment for high diabetes, as it acts as a blood sugar lowerer and fights cancer, due to the existence of a relationship between curcumin and cancer fighting because it contains antioxidants.

It is a good recipe for irritable bowel syndrome, as it helps relieve the effects of colitis, stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea, as well as reducing cholesterol and blood fat levels called triglycerides, as well as its ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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