Covidiots want to invade businesses


Independent “cells” of anti-masks are gradually forming across the province to create group gatherings in stores.

• Read also: Anti-mask rally: against the mask and peace officer

• Read also: Covidiots in a shopping mall

• Read also: Harsh fines for the organizer of the covidiot party in a shopping center

A network of citizens of anti-health activists, created by Stéphane Thibault, a truck driver from the Montreal region, was created for more than two weeks on a social network.

Mr. Thibault wants to unite the demonstrators from the same municipalities into independent groups. They can then get organized and walk into stores at the same time without their face coverings.

In a video released on Friday, the movement claims to have more than 500 members, including 45 in Quebec City and 52 in Montreal.

FD-Manif ^ Parliament against measures etc.  Masks ...

Future events

Mr. Thibault’s network is also organizing two civil disobedience events soon.

He publicly invites his followers to shop without a mask in a grocery store in Sainte-Thérèse every first Saturday of the month and to attend a New Year’s party.

For one of the coronavirus specialists from the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ), these examples of protesters are more “frustrating”.

Expert Pierre Talbot is disappointed to “note that we will not be able to convince them of the validity of the message”.

But he doesn’t mind having to repeat the public reasons behind the government’s measures. The usefulness of the mask is “based on science,” he recalls, worried that anti-mask rallies could introduce the virus to vulnerable people.


Indeed, several protesters have made their voices heard in Quebec as part of the “Union Convoy for Freedom”.

This motorized freeway event converges on Parliament Hill on Saturday afternoon. Hundreds of opponents of the health measures gathered side by side and without masks in front of the National Assembly in Quebec.

The Quebec City Police Service (SPVQ) said it had issued 34 crime reports for failing to comply with current health measures, but made no arrests.

The demonstrators had left in the morning from all corners of the province.

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