ADD / HD: Beyond Diagnosis, Part 2 | The sun


“Over the past decade we have seen all of this appear. It was often co-morbid with ADHD. Sometimes it was attention deficit disorder with anxiety disorder or ADHD opposition. It was not known before. Now we are able to recognize them, ”explains the retired teacher, who taught in first grade, kindergarten and kindergarten.

To explain the situation, Ms Malenfant compares AD / HD to a visual disorder. “We all have needs. Some need glasses for the eyes, others need glasses for the brain. This is how Raymonde Malenfant, a now retired teacher, explained to young children the medications needed for attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADD / HD).

“If a child needs his glasses and his parent forgets them one morning, the little one is disabled all day,” adds the teacher. If a child needs medication and the parent forgot about it in the morning, the child is disabled all day. “

The teacher’s role is to fill out medical questionnaires, but obviously he doesn’t make a diagnosis. “Doctors will look at everything and see if the child has ADD or not. “

“The teacher can tell the parent that there are manifestations of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, we can suggest that the parent go for a consultation,” explains former school principal Nicole Clermont. Here at the CSRS [devenu le CSSRS], we had an agreement with the doctors for the teacher to fill out a form with his observations. The parent also completes one. It must be documented. Usually, a doctor does not prescribe medication before consulting the school community. “

Without being an advocate of drugs, Raymonde Malenfant observes “that a child who needs drugs and does not have them is day and night”.

“When I’m in kindergarten, it’s hard to diagnose a child,” says the former teacher. [Les médecins] Will wait a little, often, because it goes with maturity. There is a lot of emotional immaturity. After they arrive at school, we will think they are in the moonlight, but they will be worried. They no longer know if dad, mom or dad’s girlfriend will come and get him, for example. They have stresses they shouldn’t have. “

And parents now accept their children’s difference much more easily. “If we go back 10 years, it was difficult to discuss it with the parents. I’ve seen refractory parents. Okay, it’s them. I told them their baby had these marks. They were eventually diagnosed later. They weren’t ready at that time, ”analyzes Ms. Malenfant.

“But there was a lot of openness, we talked about it a lot, the parents are better equipped. It is not pejorative to be AD / HD, “he continues, adding that family backgrounds have also changed a lot in recent years.

However, teachers sometimes have to deal with the side effects of these drugs. “There are children who stop eating, others fall decidedly amorphous. Teachers are faced with the fact that there are often several young people with AD / HD in the classroom. There are also children with other problems: dyslexic, dysphasic, dysorthographic and dyscalculic. There is a lot of trying to adapt, but it doesn’t work for all students, ”says Ms. Clermont, adding that several molecules have been developed over the years.

Sherbrooke Area Vice President for Estrie Teachers Union David Raymond has a message of hope for youth with ADD / HD. “Students with attention deficit often do very well in society. They have incredible multitasking skills and work for a long time. In fact, the transition to school is sometimes difficult. Our regular classrooms crowded with students with specific disorders do not always allow us to meet their needs, “he says, specifying that the CSSRS works with partners like TDAH Estrie in the context of education, among others.

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