California adds more than 500 COVID-19 hospitalizations in a single day in a new wave of infections


California Department of Health reports 514 more hospitalized patients this Sunday than Saturday, a 6.3% increase

More than 500 infected people of SARS-CoV-2 were admitted to hospitals in California In the past 24 hours, health authorities have reported this Sunday that they face a rebound in positive cases which forces counties to tighten restrictions to try to contain the pandemic.

The California Department of Health today reported that 8,198 Californians are hospitalized for related causes COVID-19, 514 more patients than Saturday, which represents a 6.3 percent increase in 24 hours.

Out of the total number of hospitalized people, 1,990 are in intensive care unit (ICU), an increase of 60 seriously ill patients over the previous day.

The California Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mark Ghaly, had already warned of the escalation which has seen an 81 percent increase in hospitalizations of coronavirus-infected patients in the past two weeks. While ICU patients increased by 57%.

Added to this is the large number of files new infections, 15,000 614 new positive cases of SARS-CoV-2 were recorded on the last day California For a total of one million 198 thousand 934 people infected since the beginning of the pandemic last March and 19 thousand 121 deaths related to the virus.

In a message on his Twitter account, the California Department of Health It warned this Sunday about the increase in infections at an “alarming rate”.

In a new call, authorities urged residents to take precautions to celebrate holidays safely.

“California flattened the curve once and we can do it again,” emphasizes the message.

The new wave of positive cases For weeks it has led to new safety restrictions in metropolitan areas such as The Angels and the Area of San Francisco Bay as the holiday season approaches.

County health officials Santa Clara, a resident of San Francisco, estimates that the county’s hospitals will reach or exceed capacity in the next week.

Sara Cody, County health officer Santa Clara, announced new security rules for businesses and residents that would reduce the number of customers within businesses.

Furthermore, a 14-day quarantine for travelers and also university and professional sports events and practices will be temporarily prohibited.

“We have reached a point where our cases and hospitalizations are so high that we have to do something to fix things,” Cody said.

For Monday The Angels it also enters a more restrictive phase that runs until 20 December.

With information from EFE

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