what would the rules be and which areas of the UK could be affected? – News 24


Boris Johnson has refused to introduce a fourth tier in his Covid winter plan, instead bolstering the three tier system that will be introduced on December 2 and will remain in effect until spring.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced where each region falls under the three tier system in England, with millions of people subjected to the toughest measures when the lockdown ends.

Large areas of the country will enter level 3, with stricter restrictions, meaning pubs and restaurants will close in those areas, with the exception of takeaway food.

Use our zip code tool to find the level for your area.

After Scotland introduced a fourth tier in 11 of the local authority areas, it was speculated that a fourth tier would be imposed in some high-risk areas in England.

The Prime Minister’s announcement means Christmas is safe on a new level, but given the volatile nature of infection rates, nothing is out of place, as Health Secretary Matt Hancock told BBC Breakfast last month.

Level assignments will be reviewed every 14 days, with the government closely monitoring infection rates, especially among those over 60.

Here’s what we know about the “level 4” restrictions if the measure was ever put in place after Christmas.

Why might we need level 4?

In August, the Ministry of Education released a four-tier structure, in which all educational institutions – including primary schools and early childhood institutions – would be closed.

On 26 October, Health Secretary Matt Hancock told BBC Breakfast: “We’ve always said we don’t take anything off the table. That said, we’ve seen the rise in the number of cases slow somewhat.

“The problem is it keeps going up, and as long as it keeps going up, we need to take action to keep it under control. We are not ruling out anything, but right now we are working on the three-tier system and it is effective in slowing the growth of this virus, but it hasn’t stopped that curve. “

Government scientists, including Professor Chris Whitty (Watch the video below), the chief medical officer, warned that “basic” level 3 restrictions would likely not be enough to lower the R rate alone.

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