Maradona’s doctor denies responsibility: I did my best


There is nothing to hide, Leopoldo Luque said. He stressed that the relationship, more than that of a doctor with a patient, was “like that of a son with a rebellious father” because the former footballer had autonomy and decided on his own.


Leopoldo Luque, Diego Maradona’s doctor and whose office and home were searched this Sunday 29-N, assured that he had done “the best” he could for the former footballer, but made it clear that he was not responsible for his health and that ‘El Diez’ has decided for himself.

“I am absolutely sure I did the best with Diego, the best he could,” the doctor said at a press conference following the raids on his home in the southern suburbs of Buenos Aires and his office in the capital.

Luque, who announced that he could spontaneously appear in court to make a statement if he had not been summoned earlier, clarified that he was not the former footballer’s family doctor but a neurosurgeon who was his “friend”.

Maradona, who suffered from alcohol addiction problems, was admitted to a clinic in La Plata on November 2 for anemia and dehydration and the next day by a healer in Olivos, where shortly after his arrival he was operated on for a subdural hematoma. in the head.

On the 11th he received his medical discharge and moved to a house in a private neighborhood on the outskirts of Buenos Aires where he died last Wednesday of cardiac arrest.

“If I am responsible for Diego for anything, it was to love him, to take care of him, to extend his life and improve it to the last. I am responsible for it. I did the impossible for that,” said Luque, between the tears.

Like a son with a “rebellious” father

According to Luque, Maradona “hated doctors”, but with him he was “different” because he was a “friend” of his and gave “suggestions” that Maradona “accepted or did not accept” and contacted various medical specialists.

He said that the relationship, more than that of a doctor with a patient, was “like that of a son with a rebellious father” because the former footballer had autonomy and decided for himself.

He explained that in order to place Maradona in a psychiatric hospital or have him undergo rehabilitation without his consent, a judicial procedure was required that could only be carried out if he established by “medical and psychiatric criteria” that he was “crazy”.

Luque assured that he had extended “everything he could” the hospitalization at the Olivos clinic and after discharge, the family, the psychiatrist, the psychologist and the private medicine firm Swiss Medical “persuaded” Maradona to accept the assistance. of nurses at home to “control” medication and not to drink alcohol.

In this sense he insisted on the fact that there was a “containment” team and that he, in particular, had the function of “being able to make Diego understand something” because “nothing can be done without Diego’s will”.

“Maradona was punishing himself”

Luque stressed that in the death of the football star “there was no medical error” and said that “Diego had a fortuitous event, a heart attack which, in a patient with his characteristics, is the most common in the world. “.

Death, he clarified, “has nothing to do” with the operation he underwent.

The doctor said he saw ‘Pelusa’ “sad, lonely and he was punishing himself in a way that, like his friend, would not let him.”

“He wanted a life that was bad. I tried to accompany him (…). It was his life. I feel weird because in the end we changed his life and he left,” she said.

Luque has assured that he does not blame himself for “nothing” and that, on the contrary, he feels “proud” of everything he has done for Diego and his family.

At the disposal of justice

Luque confirmed that police took Maradona’s medical history and electronic devices, such as computers and cell phones, in the raids.

He assured that he will be at the disposal of justice because “there is nothing to hide”.


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