Journalist Bex April May, who handed over a deep fryer in place of the PlayStation 5, which Amazon bought, began investigating the incident on behalf of IGN. Speaking to different sources and gathering information, May shared her findings with her followers.
Last week with you In a piece of news we shared Some purchased through Amazon UK The PlayStation 5s have been stolenWe mentioned that products like bulgur, cat food and toys are delivered to customers instead of to PlayStation 5.
One of the victims of Amazon is the journalist Bex April May’di. May, who received a deep fryer instead of the PlayStation 5 she ordered from Amazon, wasn’t alone when she shared this situation with her Twitter followers, and many people It found that the PlayStation 5s ordered by Amazon could not receive delivery. The reporter, who took action on the matter, decided to investigate the case on behalf of IGN.
What happened to the PlayStation 5 ordered by Amazon?
May says the Amazon package that arrived was sealed with clear plastic tape. At this point, Amazon is known to use ribbons with their own brand emblem printed, and this is it PlayStation 5s reinforces the possibility of different products being replaced. But how did it happen?
An unnamed former Amazon security guard from May’s sources reported that the goods were stolen from warehouses, given the security measures. the impossible close he says yes. The source said warehouse personnel went through manned security checks before leaving the warehouse. microSD It says a person who stole the card has also been captured and the PlayStation 5 can’t be brought out of the warehouses unnoticed.
What if it wasn’t stolen from the warehouses?
If the PlayStation 5s weren’t stolen from the repositories, another possibility is that they were stolen after leaving the warehouse. At this point, the first suspicion that comes to mind is the drivers on duty for delivery. Another of May’s anonymous sources, to drivers corrupt can be given put on. Claiming to have encountered a similar incident earlier, the source said one of the drivers he worked for at the same company received a cash offer for the iPads he was given.
According to this theory, drivers are offered payment for delivery and where the packets will be exchanged meet somewhere. Asking the Amazon source about this situation again, May said: “Everything you do, from route to packages and returns, is monitored by an application” got his answer.
However of bands nothing to stop couriers from waiting. Source on this “In such a situation, there is nothing to protect you as a courier other than calling the police and alerting driver support” He says.
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Despite all this, it is important to remember that there is no hard evidence yet and that these are just theories. But still ordered through Amazon and not delivered PlayStation 5s quantity and the similarities in these cases suggest that this could be the work of an organized criminal organization. We will see together what kind of developments will take place in the coming days.
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