Pepe Aguilar, broken by grief after the death of his mother, Flor Silvestre: “He left like kids”


Pepe Aguilar assured that the love he felt for his mother was real and selfless (Video: Instagram @pepeaguilar_oficial)

Through a video on Instagram, Pepe Aguilar He confessed how hard the days were after losing his mother, Wild Flower, died Wednesday 25 November, suddenly in Zacatecas.

With a baseball cap and sunglasses to hide how much he cried, the Mexican singer sweetly reminded the legendary artist. He explained that he has always had an excellent relationship with her, and even though they had a “meeting” at times, he said they laughed a lot together.

“These are very difficult timesI believe that only people who have experienced something similar will fully understand it, because it is understood, but it is not felt. And when you feel it, you understand it more clearly. I’ve always had a great relationship with my mother, like any child who gets along with his mother … but suddenly there are or have been fights there, because we were both, well, still are, but she was a Leo and they say that Leos like them always want a lot of territory “, he referred with a wistful smile.

“The fact is, my mother and I laughed a lot. It was very funny. And it hurts, it hurts deeply, obviously in my eyes now I can teach him less, after crying for three days, today, yesterday and the day before. I think it’s important to do it, I tell you too. I’m not sorry at all. In front of my children, on the contrary. We are healing our deep wound with pure love. Love towards my mother, towards the present, towards my life, the life of my loved ones. I am very grateful for the mother God has given me, and infinitely grateful to all of you for showing up as you did, ”he added.

In the picture, Pepe Aguilar and his mother Flor Silvestre (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
In the picture, Pepe Aguilar and his mother Flor Silvestre (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Although the pain was very intense, Pepe Aguilar explained that his parents taught him that “the show” must always go on. And for this reason, on November 27, he did not cancel the concert “Mexican to the bone”, which was also attended by his children, Angela and Leandro Aguilar, and which they made in honor of the actress.

“She has been very professional for her career. She was a true diva, in the sense that she was a lady who could afford to demand or not. And what, what she was asking was just to be with her family, he was a very simple person and very professional. And so much that she taught me, she and my dad taught me that the show must go on. The spectacle of life. And in our case, even the spectacle of the show must continue “

“When my maternal grandmother died, we were traveling, obviously for work. We were in Los Angeles, and my dad told my mom what time he was leaving, that there was no problem, go and stay with his mom. And my mom decided to stay and do the shows in Los Angeles. I lived it, they didn’t tell me. When my paternal grandmother died, we were in El Paso, Texas. I remember my father walked into a room, cried all day. And the next day he put on a show. […] When my father died I had a show, a commitment, the day after we buried him, but I had to obey. Life goes on, life goes on “, recalled the interpreter of” Neither with you nor without you “.

Regarding Flor Silvestre’s death, Pepe Aguilar revealed that she died “very calm”. Although she was 90, her death was unexpected, because she was not seriously ill.

“I didn’t have the honor of being at the exact moment he died by his side, because he died suddenly. I was sick but no one expected it, no one expected it, everyone was taken by surprise. He died with his much-loved nurse and assistant. She didn’t die alone, she died very quickly. It was like the big ones. As if he deserved it. Quiet, no pain. Soon. And so, his heart said “this far we come”. And now, now he is with his loved one, ”said the artist, referring to his father, Antonio Aguilar, who passed away in 2007.

Flor Silvestre, legend of the Cine de Oro and matriarch of the Aguilar dynasty, has died at the age of 90 (Photo: taken from Twitter)
Flor Silvestre, legend of the Cine de Oro and matriarch of the Aguilar dynasty, has died at the age of 90 (Photo: taken from Twitter)

In addition to describing his mother as “straightforward” and “professional,” the singer said she was his “number one” fan, and said the love between the two was completely sincere and selfless.

“There are always, I believe, ghosts that come to haunt you. I mean, you would have done it more, you would have done it less. I think they no longer make any sense. I loved my mother, I still love her, I will continue to love her. And for that love he acted. He didn’t want to earn anything, it wasn’t a commitment. It was love, 100% love, and so it will continue ”.

Finally, he advised his fans not to silence their emotions and always tell loved ones how you feel about them.

“If you want them, tell them. I got tired of telling my mom. Especially in recent years because my mother was a very old person. And I always told him how much I loved him. I have not remained suspended in this regard.


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