I would save an old man and not a child from the coronavirus – Newsbeast


The visual statements caused a sensation Tsokli coast regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Speaking with ERT, the well-known artist appeared annoyed by the way he handled the elderly, pointing out that he would save an old man and not a child, because “we don’t know if he is an upright ox or a man who has value”.

“I feel a kind of frustration and anger at the way society has behaved at different ages. That is, we consider a child worth living, but we don’t know if he is an upright ox or a human being who has value. An old man. we know what fish he has caught in his life. I, if I were to save a man of my age, who is still alive and has not lost them, rather than a child who does not know what will happen, I would save the old man, because to take risks, the old is a real value … “, said Mr. Tsoklis, using an example:

“Are you killing Picasso so that Signora Maria continues to live, even if one is 84 and the other 17?”


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