Delia did it. What the artist did: the police arrived and rained with fines


Delia, the juror of X-Factor, and one of the signatories of the open letter to the government, has almost forgotten the rules. He decided to forget the rules imposed by the authorities and had a big party on one of the terraces of Bucharest. Except it all ended with stinging fines from the police.

Delia, from DJ to more refined

The current situation in Romania, and implicitly in Bucharest, has imposed some restrictions when it comes to restaurants, terraces and bars. Among the restrictions imposed by the authorities are those on private individuals.

But Delia, along with other friends, has forgotten the rules. They decided to organize a big day of celebration on one of the terraces in Bucharest. The people of Cancan managed to capture images with Delia playing the DJ, without worrying about the consequences and repercussions.

In fact, the party ended with Delia pulling out of her pocket, no more, no less, a fine of 2,000 lei. Police from Section 2 intervened at the party organized, apparently by Delia as well, and handed out fines. The first fine was Delia, but also the owners of that terrace.

“Police station 2 has been informed that physical distance measurements are not observed on a terrace in its area of ​​responsibility. The police officers who intervened on the spot applied a fine of 2,000 lei, believing that they had found violations of the provisions of Law 55/2020 on certain measures to prevent and combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic “, informed the Capital Police on Sunday.

Delia criticized on social networks

The restrictions imposed by the authorities had the effect of closing all enclosed spaces. Here we also refer to the spaces where concerts, shows, etc. were currently held. The vast majority of artists, including Delia, lost money in this period, precisely because of the inability to hold concerts.

Along with about 100 other artists, Delia signed that open letter to the government. The signatories of the letter asked the authorities for financial help, given the lack of concerts, theater performances, etc.

The big surprise was on Facebook, when Delia, regarding the signed letter, many Internet users using harsh words, decided to criticize her decision and that of the other signatories of the letter. In the same context, the star also had ironic reactions to criticism on Facebook, writing:

“Other” crazy “have signed the petition! Don’t you start working too? Serious jobs, not the” hobby “of these oxen! Huoo”, wrote the singer.

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