How to know if the router has been attacked and how to avoid it


How to know if the router has been attacked

It is important that we know if they are there intrusos and el router to avoid big problems. The fact that they can access the device means that they can take control, connect to the network, slow down the connection, and even collect information from users to compromise security.

Hackers can use several methods to attack a router, but they generally rely on incorrect vulnerabilities. It could activate what is known as DNS hijacking, which basically consists of altering DNS servers and redirecting users to pages controlled by attackers and stealing information.

They might even have access to the Wi-Fi network in case you have breached the wireless network password. This is precisely something common when a router is not well secured and could mean the loss of speed, quality and stability of a connection.

Now, many users may question whether at some point they attacked the router or if there are also intruders at that time. Fortunately, we can consider some aspects that can give us clues or even confirm that this has happened.

Configuration changes

We can observe possible intruders in the network, in the router, if we notice it configuration changes of the same. An attacker could change some parameters such as the power of the device, MAC filters or even change the password to access both the device and the wireless network.

Any such changes that we notice could be the clear sign that we have had or continue to have intruders on our network. We must therefore act in that case.

Enter the router and see the connected devices

Another way to know if there are intruders on our router is directly access the device itself and see what equipment is connected. This information clearly shows us the number of users who are currently connected or who have been connected previously. All cell phones, computers and any other connected equipment will be displayed.

This will depend on the type of router we have, but generally you have to log in through the browser via the default gateway which is usually, then go to Advanced Settings, Device Information and there look for DHCP.

Watch for intruders on Wi-Fi

Alternatively, we can also use external applications for both mobile and computer. These programs tell us which devices are connected to the wireless network at that time.

Notice speed issues or dropouts

It is undoubtedly one of the most typical signs that something is wrong. We connect to the Internet and notice that the speed Not what it should, that there are cuts, the device turns off … In short, we have noticed that there are major failures when using the connection and the cause could be related to intruders.

When there are intruders on a Wi-Fi network, it could mean a loss of internet speed. After all, it is users who consume the available resources.

Check for DNS leaks

One of the signs that our router has been attacked is when we see it is there DNS leak. We can use tools that help us understand this information and take action if we notice that something is wrong.

An example is the DNS Leak Test. It is an online service that allows us to carry out a quick test or a more extensive one to find out where the requests made by our router pass. In case an attacker has changed some parameters and we have strange results, it could be a sign that he has attacked the device.

Excessive flickering of the router lights

While it’s not a clear sign of intruders on your device, it can serve as a clue on occasion. Routers typically have a number of files LED lights that light up or blink depending on use. For example if there are computers connected via Wi-Fi.

In case we don’t have a large activity at that time and we see the light flashing constantly, it could be a sign that there is an intruder on the network.

How to avoid intruders on the router

We have seen some methods that we can use to know if we have suffered an attack on the router and therefore there may be intruders on our device. We will now explain what we can do to make it happen. It is actually the most important thing, since if we take preventive measures we can avoid reaching the situation where the connection is bad because there is network intruders.

Fortunately, we can take into account some important suggestions that we are going to explain. The sum of all will help us ensure that our connection, our router for short, is completely secure.

Update the router to the latest version

A very important thing that many users overlook is the importance of having the router always up to date. There are many vulnerabilities that can appear and compromise the security of the device in one way or another. These flaws could be exploited by intruders and damage security. It is therefore essential that the router firmware is properly updated to the latest version.

To update the firmware of the router we need to access the device, then go to Advanced configuration, Management (management, administration, tools … depending on the model) and there on Update firmware or software. This will depend on the device, but the steps are similar.

Update the router

Change the factory settings

It is important that when we buy a router, when we acquire a new one when we change operator, we change the factory settings. This way we can improve safety and avoid problems.

For example, we intend to change the name of the wireless network, as it usually offers information related to the model of the device or even the company we have contracted with. This may make it easier for attackers, as they may know specific vulnerabilities of that router.

It is also important to change passwords, both for accessing the device and for the wireless network. In the next point we give suggestions to create them correctly.

Use strong and complex passwords

It is not enough to change the file password which comes from the factory (something that is essential for our security), but we have to generate keys that are really strong. They must contain letters (upper and lower case), numbers and other special symbols. All this randomly and be unique.

We can make use of key executives which allow us to generate passwords that meet these requirements. The more complex and therefore the harder to remember, the better.

But we have to apply this to both the key to access the Wi-Fi and to enter the router. Both are very important and we need to protect ourselves properly.

Security encryption

Please note that the password we use, no matter how strong, is not enough if we use a file security encryption obsolete. Today there are several alternatives and we must opt ​​for the current encryption, which does not present vulnerabilities.

It would be a mistake, for example, if the Wi-Fi password had WEP encryption. This could allow a potential intruder with the necessary tools and knowledge to break that key.

In our router, in the section to change the wireless password, we can also change the type of security encryption we are going to use.

Change the encryption of the Wi-Fi key

Check the connected devices periodically

We have seen that by observing the devices connected to the router we can detect potential intruders. This is something we need to do periodically if we want to stay safe and avoid problems.

As they say, we can do it both from the device itself and also when accessed via mobile or computer applications. In both cases it allows us to have specific information on the equipment connected to the network.

Also take care of connected devices

But not all is the router. We must also pay attention to everyone devices we have connected. Only in this way can we make our network perfectly safe. Having a computer, cell phone or any other equipment connected to the network and that has vulnerabilities can be a serious problem that would allow intruders to enter.

Pay special attention to IoT devices. More and more we have in our homes and this is precisely why cybercriminals use them to attack.

In short, having intruders on the router is something that could seriously damage our privacy and security on the network. We need to know at all times which equipment is connected. We have seen some important tips to avoid compromising security and thus avoid problems.

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